Stone Edge 2025 GO Trips

We PRAY, we GIVE, and we GO! At Stone Edge, reaching lost people is our priority. We understand that our call to reach lost people isn’t just about our local communities, but extends to the ends of the earth as well. Stone Edge is committed to being a church that will go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone. You have the opportunity to experience world missions on a short-term level through Stone Edge GO Trips.

India | october 30 - Novemeber 8,2025

You will meet and hear testimony of Indian pastors who are ministering on the edge of the gospel frontier in northwest India. We will provide care for marginalized and impoverished children and ladies and assist in meeting physical needs in an underserved community. Sightseeing in Jaipur is included in this trip.

  • Team Leaders: Pastors Joey and Carla Ellis, contact info:

  • Price: $3,500 (includes airfare, food, lodging, transportation, sightseeing)

Eswatini, Africa | early 2026, dates tbd

We will partner with our Stone Edge Church Missionaries Dr. Louis and Rev. Susan Okoro in their ministry to the people of Mbabane, Eswatini.