Stone Edge Church is a multi-cultural and multi-generational church helping people KNOW GOD, GET CONNECTED, DISCOVER PURPOSE, and REACH THE WORLD

We believe that Jesus loves everybody no matter their race, gender, station in life or background and all have access to the same redeeming grace found at the cross. We value knowing, understanding and loving our people, our city and our world. We value empowering and releasing people to live on mission where they are right now, at the right time, following God's activity and obeying His assignment. Our missionary mentality drives everything we do.

REACH THE LOST - We value sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ as a natural part of life for our members. We believe the reason for the church’s existence is to increase the fame of God through the redemption of people.

PRAYER  – We value prayer as our link to receive understanding from God about His Word and move forward in obedience to His mission. This is why our Wednesday night prayer meeting is the most important service of the week. Prayer is the engine that drives our church. 

RELATIONSHIPS – We value healthy relationships that encourage and nourish spiritual growth. We are intentional about creating environments where relationships can flourish. We believe that life change happens best among friends – both old and new. 

INVOLVE PEOPLE IN MINISTRY – We value engaging every believer in the work God has assigned to him or her. We seek to leverage the giftedness of our people for the kingdom of God. As people succeed in ministry, God is glorified and the mission of God is extended.

NEXT GENERATION LEADERSHIP - We value empowering the next generation of young leaders. We intentionally engage our children, teenagers, and young adults in leadership development opportunities to prepare them to be responsible contributors in the church, in their schools, and in the marketplace. 

PENTECOSTAL WORSHIP & EXPERIENCE – We value the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the way we worship, live, and grow. We expect God’s presence to be real and transformative in our worship experiences, our Life Group communities, and our personal devotions.

Full Statement of Faith