Hello Parents!
At Stone Edge Prep, we are committed to helping your child grow to their fullest potential. We believe that every child is born with a purpose. As early childhood educators, our job is to provide a strong foundation for them to build their God-given destiny. To do this, we are offering a state of the art facility with positive and productive teachers who have a passion for leading children towards their future.
As Director of Stone Edge Prep, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself so that you can get to know me better. I desire that you feel completely comfortable putting your child into my care. To pursue my dream to teach children, I received a BA in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. A few years later, I received a Master’s degree in Education from Drury University in Springfield, MO. For over thirty years, I have worked with children of all ages in both public and private schools. My passion has always been to use my education to minister to both children and their parents. Much of my experience as an educator has been overseas in India, where I had the great opportunity to help open two schools for uneducated children in very impoverished areas.
After twenty years of ministry in various places, my husband Joey and I felt the Lord leading us back to our home state of Georgia to pastor Stone Edge Church in Macon, Ga. We have always kept children at the forefront of our ministry. Our future depends on their success. Because of this, we are opening the doors of our church to our community throughout the week. We desire to help children and parents find a safe and caring place filled with the love of Jesus. He gave us this mission in Matthew 19, “Let the children come…Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me”. We welcome you to make Stone Edge Prep part of your child’s journey with Jesus.
Committed to Serve,
Carla Ellis, M.Ed.
Stone Edge Prep Early Learning Center