To prepare men and women for effective ministry in the church, in the community, and around the world.
Dear Prospective Student,
Thank you for your interest in the Stone Edge School of Ministry (SESOM). We are excited that you are considering going deeper in your understanding of God’s word and His plans for your life.
Our vision at SESOM is “to prepare men and women for effective ministry in the church, in the community, and around the world.” We believe that God has called Stone Edge Church to be a place of equipping and sending. SESOM will serve a strategic role in your life as you prepare to lead at a higher capacity.
All SESOM courses are conducted using Global University Berean School of the Bible materials. CLICK HERE to visit Global University.
Who is SESOM for? Is SESOM only for those wanting to enter full-time ministry?
SESOM is designed for three different types of leaders,
those who desire a deeper understanding of God's Word,
those who want to be better prepared for ministry at Stone Edge, and
for those who are pursuing a call to ministry.
SESOM will equip you in the areas of practical ministry and in-depth biblical studies.
To accommodate your busy schedule, we have set up our classes to meet on Monday nights from 7-9 pm at Stone Edge.
We invite you to be a part of our great school as you prepare for the ministry God has called you to. We look forward to having you join us at Stone Edge School of Ministry.
Pastor Joey Ellis
Email your completed application to
REGISTER for the upcoming course: New Testament Survey.
Upcoming Course: New Testament Survey, Monday, April 15 - May 27
Overview of New Testament Survey
A survey course giving the student background for understanding, teaching, and applying the principles of the New Testament. Key facts from each book of the New Testament are highlighted in a manner that can be used in preaching and teaching.
All SESOM classes meet at Stone Edge on Mondays, 7-9 pm
Email questions to
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost?
There is a one-time $40 application fee. Each course costs $120.
What are the dates, times and location for the class sessions?
All courses are taught at Stone Edge Church on Mondays from 7-9 pm. Each course lasts 6-7 weeks, with an additional week for taking the Final Exam.
What can I except during the class sessions?
Interactive and in-depth classroom environments, small and personal class setting designed for discussion, open conversation, and one-on-one Q&A with experienced teachers.
How will the classes be graded?
The courses are graded based on class participation, completion of a Student Learning Requirement (church ministry assignment) and a final exam.
Can I receive any college credit for this program?
Once satisfactorily completed, courses may transfer as credit into a Global University undergraduate degree program under certain guidelines.
Is this program only for people wanting to enter ministry full-time?
SESOM is designed for three different types of leaders,
those who desire a deeper understanding of God's Word,
those who want to be better prepared for ministry at Stone Edge, and
for those who are pursuing a call to ministry.
Do I have to take every course or only the one’s I am interested in?
If you are taking the courses for your own spiritual development, you may take the courses you are interested in. If you will be pursuing full-time ministry and seeking ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God you will need to take all the courses.
What are the next steps if I'm interested?
Complete the Student Application and Register for your first course.
The New Student Application is available HERE or at the Connection Center. You can submit payment at the link above.