We are so excited that you want to be a part of our awesome V Team! Below you will find a listing of all the areas of service in our church.

Register today to join our Growth Track (required for all V Teams).

Altar Team
Our team prays with those responding to altar invitations during services.
- Training process

Baptism Team
Our team prepares for and hosts the water baptism experiences.

Café Team
This team serves the church by creating a welcoming experience to people in our Café.

Events Team
Our team serves at conferences and church-wide events by setting up decorations and facilitating meals and snacks.

Global Missions Team
Our team organizes all aspects of care, communication, and promotion of our Global Missions partnerships around the world.

Greeter/Host Team
Our team welcomes people to Stone Edge at the front doors and hands out worship guides at the entrance to the auditorium.

Growth Track Host Team
Our team serves as the hosts of the Growth Track, greeting guests and providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Stone Edge.

Kids Check-In Team
Our team facilitates the check-in process in Stone Edge Kids to ensure children are cared for effectively and efficiently.
- Age: 18+, Background check

Nursery/Preschool Team (Stone Edge Kids, Jr)
Our team ministers to children birth through pre-school ages through Bible stories, worship, prayer, hands-on activities and personal interactions.
- Background check, Training process

Parking Team
Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Stone Edge by welcoming people on and off the property and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience.
- Age: 15+

Prayer Team
Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams and ministries at Stone Edge.

Security Team
The Security Team provides protection and safety to all while on Stone Edge Church premises.
- Background check

Small Group Leaders
We are trained to facilitate Small Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps.
- Background check, Leadership training

Stone Edge Kids Team
Our team invests in the lives of children through worship, Biblical teaching, videos, small groups, and games.
- Background check

Stone Edge Student Ministry Leadership Team
Our team helps students get connected to our Stone Edge Student Ministry.
- Background check

Stone Edge Worship
Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering.
- Audition process, Background check

Support Team
Our team utilizes their gift of administration to support Stone Edge teams by using computer skills, data entry, and attention to details.
- Age: 18+, Background check

Tech Team
Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experience, using lights, cameras, and other visual elements.

Usher Team
Our team assists people to their seats, facilitates the offering, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment.

V Team Host
Our team hosts our V Team members in Team Central by providing food and encouragement during services.